How intense do your candles smell?
Scent perception is something very subjective. The fragrance intensity depends on various factors, …
What are synthetic fragrances?
Synthetic fragrances are artificially constructed substances in laboratories that are chemically produced. These substances imitate fragrances that cannot …
Why do not all candle manufacturers use essential oils?
Essential oils are sensitive and expensive. They are subject to natural fluctuations depending on the growing region, weather conditions and harvest times. This makes it difficult to achieve an exact, planned fragrance …
Do all candles smell equally intense?
In combination, the fragrance intensity can vary. Patchouli or Vetiver have a heavy and intense fragrance as such this is used as base notes. The heart notes and are more …
How do essential oils affect me?
Essential oils are small, natural power packages with different active ingredients. They are successfully …
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are highly effective substances in different plants, which are also responsible for the good fragrance of the plants. For example, if you …